Laws of the Game for Junior and Senior FutureStars [click on above red banner for full posting]
The objective is to codify the modifications to the Laws of the Game (LOTG). The modifications relate to the age (and corresponding skill level) of the players. √ indicates no change from basic LOTG as set forth by the US Soccer Federation. * indicates a difference between the Juniors and the Seniors.
Law 1 FIELD As marked; no build-out (B-O) line drawn. Opponents to retreat behind the halfway line for goal kicks and goalkeeper clearance, but can move toward the ball after it is touched without waiting until it clears the goal area nor the penalty area. No GK punting.
*Law 2 BALL #3 for JUNIORS; #4 for SENIORS
*Law 3 PLAYERS Play is 7 v. 7 with a goalkeeper for JUNIORS, 8 v. 8 for Seniors. Teams should try to play even, if one team is short players by removing one or allowing a player to move to the opponent.
Law 4 PLAYER EQUIPMENT No Jewelry whatsoever. Socks must be worn over shinguards.
Law 7 DURATION Four (4) ten minute quarters. One minute between Q1 – Q2 and Q3 – Q4. A three (3) minute break at halftime.
*Law 8 START AND RESTART JUNIORS: No Coin Toss; whichever team is first lined up ready to play kicks off. Teams alternate KO at start of each subsequent quarter. Don’t change directions at halftime. SENIORS: Winner decides which goal to attack in Q1 or to Kick off. Teams alternate kick-off at start of each subsequent quarter. Change directions at Halftime only
Law 10 OUTCOME √
*Law 11 OFFSIDE JUNIORS: No Offside But do not allow an attacker to dwell next to the keeper nor deep in the offensive zone. SENIORS: Offside is NOT in effect for the first three weeks of the Fall only.
Law 12 FOULS & MISCONDUCT Heading is not allowed; restart is an indirect free kick.
Law 13 FREE KICKS All free kicks for fouls are INDIRECT. A goal cannot be scored without an intervening touch by any player. Opponents must be at least 6 yards from the free kick.
Law 14 PK There are No Penalty Kicks. For a foul in the Penalty Area the ball is moved outside the area, perpendicular to the goal line, and an INDIRECT free Kick is awarded. A wall may be se by the defense.
*Law 15 THROW-IN JUNIORS: Allow “do-overs” for throw-ins. Instruct them How To if necessary. SENIORS: For first three (3) weeks of the Fall season, allow “do-overs” for throw-ins.
Law 16 GOAL KICK Taken from the Goal Kick Spot (Blue–if shown on field). Opponents must retreat to halfway line. Only after the kick is taken (ball is moved; does not need to leave the goal area nor penalty area) may opponents move in.